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Safe Operation of Facilities with an Effective Water Safety Concept

Facility Management

Real estate owners and operators are responsible for the safety of the drinking water provided to consumers in the building. Legionella bacteria that frequently grow in artificial water systems, have been identified by the European Union as the biggest health risk among waterborne pathogens.

A drinking water safety concept is not only beneficial to maintain the value of the infrastructure and to keep inhabitants healthy but is also a mandatory duty in many jurisdictions. rqmicro’s method is uniquely suited to define, implement and maintain a drinking water safety concept due to the granularity and fast availability of results.

In Switzerland, the relevant regulatory framework is provided by the food law and a supporting guideline issued by the Swiss Association for Water and Gas (SVGW-Richtlinie W3/E4).

3 Steps Towards an Effective Drinking Water Safety Concept

Risk Assessment

Assessing the risk of Legionella outbreaks and their impact based on the building, the design and maintenance state of the water system, recurring hygiene measures and test results, and the exposure and predisposition of consumers. The risk assessment also includes the definition of critical control points (CCP) in the building.

Safety Concept Definition

Phase 1
Define sample taking procedures and plan testing cycles

Phase 2
Take sample at critical control points. If required, take immediate action.

Phase 3
Review procedures and effectiveness of measures.
Define regular measurement intervals for each critical control point.

Regular Operation

Perform regular measurements at critical control points (per month/quarter) and an annual revision of the risk assessment. 

Adapt the concept in the event of changes in consumption or construction.

An effective Water Safety Concept provides tangible benefits to all stakeholders:

  • Water distribution compliant with Swiss Food Safety Law and relevant guidelines
  • Health protection for residents, employees, guests, visitors and patients
  • Greater energy efficiency, targeted hygiene measures, timely maintenance of installations
  • Better value retention of the property

See more benefits below.

3 steps towards an effective drinking water safety concept

Offering for Facility Management


  • On-site analysis
  • Performed by FM personnel
  • Shortest turnaround time
  • Cost effective solution
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Lab Service

  • Sampling by FM personnel
  • Analysis by rqmicro lab
  • No on-site installation
  • Service packages available
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Hybrid Model

  • On-site analysis
  • Performed by FM personnel
  • Live support by rqmicro lab
  • Service packages available
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 Effective water hygiene surveillance for the protection of residents, employees, visitors, guests and patients

 Prove effectiveness, optimize measures. Reduce energy and water consumption

 Preventive maintenance supports the value retention of the building​

 Evaluation of facilities before events, after down-time or upon transfer of ownership 

 Fast localization of hotspots and targeted hygiene measures. Fast and safe reopening of facilities

 Cloud platform for data management and reporting 

Effective water hygiene monitoring with rqmicro.COUNT

Effective water hygiene surveillance for the protection of residents, employees, visitors, guests and patients

Hygiene optimization

Hygiene Optimization
Prove effectiveness, optimize measures. Reduce energy and water consumption

Maintenance of the buildings

Preventive maintenance supports the value retention of the building​

Evaluation of facilities before public events or upon transfer of ownership

Evaluation of facilities before events, after down-time or upon transfer of ownership

Outbreak management

Outbreak Management
Fast localization of hotspots and targeted hygiene measures. Fast and safe reopening of facilities

Document measures for future safety

Cloud Solution for data management and reporting 

Rapid Microbiology Tests for Facility Management

Intact cell count kit rqmicro

Intact Cell Count

Test kit for the rapid and quantitative detection of total viable bacteria in water samples.

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Legionella test kits rqmicro

Legionella Test Kits

Test kits for the rapid and quantitative detection of Legionella in water samples.

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Take the first step towards gaining a deeper understanding of what's affecting your water system.

Christophe Gutknecht

Senior Sales Manager

 +41 78 229 51 15
 Connect on LinkedIn

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Lab Service

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Legionella Risk Assessment

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