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Total Cell Count Kit

Reagents for the rapid and quantitative detection of total bacteria in water samples

Total cell count kit from rqmicro

Total Cell Count Kit for rqmicro.COUNT

Rapid and reliable total cell count analysis with the rqmicro.COUNT enables users to assess and monitor the microbial load in water systems at a limit of detection LOD of 100 cells/mL.

Time to result of 22 minutes for first result. 

Total Cell Count Kit for rqmicro.COUNT

Rapid and reliable total cell count analysis with the rqmicro.COUNT enables users to assess and monitor the microbial load in water systems.

Total cell count kit from rqmicro

Total Cell Count Kit

Rapid quantification of the total microbial load in water samples.

ORder total cell count kit​​​​


rqmicro.COUNT flow cytometer

Easy quantification of bacteria in liquid samples

With the rqmicro.COUNT and Total Cell Count kit, quantifying the microbial load has never been easier. 

The standard workflow for 8 samples in parallel takes only 2 minutes of hands-on time and enables users to receive granular insight into the microbiology of water systems from 22 minutes after starting the workflow.

Online data reporting

 The Cloud Solution enables effective water microbiology risk management with different stakeholders and in decentralized applications.

Available features include the definition of target ranges, setting alarm levels, analyzing data using different visualizations and generating reports that are ready to share.

 Optimized risk management concept

 Predictability in water system operations

 Preventive disinfection and maintenance

 Early detection of water safety risks

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Platform for convenient, fast and accurate bacteria detection in water.

rqmicro Lab Service
Lab Service

We test your samples using our leading-edge technology to deliver quantitative results on the same day.

Flow Cytometer for Water Utilties
How Flow Cytometry Helps Water Utilities Better Understand the Microbial Fingerprint

With rqmicro.COUNT, water utilities can easily and efficiently detect and quantify bacteria in water on-site at key treatment or critical control points using flow cytometry.