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E. coli Test Kits

Reagents for the rapid and quantitative detection of Escherichia coli in water.

Detect the presence of viable Escherichia coli bacteria in water.

E. coli DETECT Kit

  • Detect the presence of viable Escherichia coli bacteria.
    Covers all relevant E. coli strains including the Big 6 and E. coli O157 at a limit of detection LOD of 1 cell / 100mL
    (1 CFU /100 mL).
  • Use for testing routines and quality controls of drinking water to detect potential fecal contamination in different stages of water treatment and distribution and as part of HACCP protocols in industry.
  • Time to result of 5 hours 30 minutes for first result.

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Quantification of viable Escherichia coli bacteria.

E. coli COUNT Kit

  • Quantification of viable Escherichia coli bacteria.
    Covers all relevant E. coli strains including the Big 6 and E. coli O157 at a limit of detection LOD of 15 cells / 100mL (10 - 15 CFU/100 mL).
  • Use for daily testing routines and quality controls of process water to detect and quantitatively assess potential fecal contamination in the food and beverage (F&B) industry.
  • Time to result of 1 hour 50 minutes for first result.

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Why Choose rqmicro E. coli Test Kits?

Why choose rqmicro E. coli test kits?

A Better E. coli test

Flow cytometric analysis of viable E. coli cells overcomes two major limitations that many users face today: i) the dependency on cell cultivation of 1-3 days which causes a critical time lag in daily operations; ii) the need for additional tests to confirm the presence of pathogenic E. coli O157 strains.

E. coli tests performed on rqmicro.COUNT deliver test results in the same work shift and include the Big 6 and E. coli O157 and therefore deliver substantial benefits in water quality control and quality assurance in the F&B industry.

Receive the results on the same day

Same Day Results

Rapid and quantitative results are fundamental for the safe and quick release of the product and equipment for production.

E. coli test kits enables food safety and water quality control managers to detect and quantify E. coli bacteria in raw water and treated water on-site in a short time.

Results available within the same work shift means less products shipped at risk, lower inventory in quarantine, fast and informed response in case of contamination.

Test results are immediately available on the Cloud Solution

Comprehensive Solution

To make your testing routine and preventive measures as efficient as possible, the Cloud Solution complements the rqmicro.COUNT instrument and test kits. 

Test results are immediately available on the Cloud Solution that allows you to react quickly, costing you less time and money.

How can we help you?

Christophe Gutknecht

Senior Sales Manager

 +41 78 229 51 15
 Connect on LinkedIn

Book a consultation with Christophe

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