Vielen Dank and alle, welche uns auf unserer Mission zu sicherem Wasser unterstützen!
Culture-Independent Quantification of Legionella pneumophila in Evaporative Cooling Systems Using Immunomagnetic Separation Coupled with Flow Cytometry
Streich, P., Redwitz, J., Walser-Reichenbach, S., E.W. Herr, C., Elsner, M., Seidel, M.
The study demonstrated the practical applicability of IMS-FCM with real evaporative cooling systems (ECS) samples and compared the performance against cultivation. Cultivation showed here no positive results, but IMS-FCM evidenced L. pneumophila in a range of 0–80,000 viable cells per 100 mL. This work demonstrates that IMS-FCM is a suitable, culture-independent, quantitative method for rapidly monitoring L. pneumophila.
rqmicro 2023 Recap: Team Expansion, Innovation and Industry Recognition, With a Look at Exciting Plans for 2024
rqmicro Magazine, 1st Edition
The 1st edition of rqmicro magazine recalls all the great moments that shaped 2023 for rqmicro. Our recap highlights key milestones: team expansion, innovation, industry recognition, and a look at exciting plans for 2024! Discover our journey and join us in our mission to make water safe.
Revolutionising Water and Food Safety through Flow Cytometry
Food & Beverage Technology Review, Europe Special, Food Safety Edition
rqmicro’s solution transforms microbiological testing, delivering faster results, higher data quality, cost savings, and improved efficiency across industries. Its real-world applications demonstrate its transformative impact in microbiological testing. Backed by a decade of expertise, rqmicro continues its mission to substantially advance water and food safety testing worldwide.
rqmicro: Die Bakterienzähler aus Schlieren
schlieremer, Das Magazin von Schlieren für Schlieremer (2023)
Der Firmenname ist Programm: rqmicro steht für rasche, quantitative Mikrobiologie (engl. «rapid quantitative microbiology»). Seit fünf Jahren ist das Team um Hans-Anton Keserue, Daniel Schaffhauser und Tobias Schaad an der Brandstrasse 24 zuhause und erobert die Welt der Wassermikrobiologie mit einer Lösung zum Zählen von lebenden Bakterien.
Quantitativer Legionellen-Schnelltest
neu im VDI-Regelwerk
gwf Wasser + Abwasser Magazine. Fokus: Wasseranalytik / Gewässermonitoring (2023)
Die rasche Identifizierung der Infektionsquelle ist bei einem Ausbruch der lebensgefährlichen Legionärskrankheit essenziell, um Maßnahmen zu ergreifen und deren Effektivität gewährleisten zu können. Die bisherige Standardmethode mittels Kultivierung liefert jedoch erst nach rund zehn bis 14 Tagen Resultate. Das Schweizer Jungunternehmen rqmicro AG hat eine auf Durchflusszytometrie basierende Schnelltestmethode entwickelt, die 2023 Einzug ins Regelwerk des VDI erhält.
Immunomagnetic separation coupled with flow cytometry for the analysis of Legionella pneumophila in aerosols
Heining, L., Welp, L., Hugo, A. et al. Immunomagnetic separation coupled with flow cytometry for the analysis of Legionella pneumophila in aerosols. Anal Bioanal Chem (2023).
In this work, different concentrations of viable L. pneumophila Sg 1 were nebulized and sampled by the cyclone sampler Coriolis® µ under defined conditions in a bioaerosol chamber. To quantify intact Legionella cells, the collected bioaerosols were subsequently analyzed by immunomagnetic separation coupled with flow cytometry (IMS-FCM) on the platform rqmicro.COUNT. Overall, IMS-FCM is a suitable culture-independent method for quantification of L. pneumophila in bioaerosols and is promising for field application due to its simplicity in sample preparation.
External Validation of rqmicro.COUNT for Bacterial Cell Count
Mills D.C., Jesinghaus H., Eiholzer F., Keserue H.A., Hippelein M. (2020)
The department for medical examination and hygiene at the UKSH in Kiel validated the rqmicro.COUNT for the quantification of total number of bacteria in natural and artificially spiked drinking water. In this study the portable rqmicro.COUNT was compared to a research flow cytometer installed in the laboratory of the UKSH.
Verbesserte Kontrolle von Legionellen
Ehlert AK., Loosli K., Brandenberger S., Richter K., AQUA & GAS. HAUSINSTALATION (2020)
Obwohl von ihnen eine latente Gefahr ausgeht, bleiben nicht kultivierbare, aber noch lebensfähige und infektiöse Legionellen von der Standardmethode unentdeckt. Dank einer neuen Methode können nun Legionellen im sogenannten VBNC-Zustand (viable but non-culturable) detektiert werden. Dies trägt massgebend zum tieferen Verständnis der komplexen Dynamik eines Legionellenbefalls in Wassersystemen bei und ermöglicht die Optimierung von Gegenmassnahmen.
PDF Article available here: LINK
Quantifying Legionella in Shorter Time
Keserue HA., Ehlert AK., Schaffhauser D., Platthaus M., LAB WORLDWIDE, Science and Management (2018)
Identifying the source of infection is essential for taking action in outbreaks of Legionnaire's disease. The combination of immunomagnetic separation and flow cytometry delivers precise results in less than two hours and knows virtually no limits to the variety of applications.