Transmission of Legionnaires’ Disease in Public Facilities Legionnaires’ Disease Following an outbreak of severe pneumonia at an American Legion convention in 1976, the bacteria Legionella pneumophila was identified as the illness-causing agent [1]. The sprea... Blog Facility Management Legionella 2024年2月9日
Enhancing Water Safety Practices at Shanghai Swimming Center Shanghai Swimming Center, June 27, 2023 - In an exclusive interview, Shanghai Lanpure Water Treatment Co., Ltd. and rqmicro revealed innovative measures to enhance water safety at the recently renovat... Blog Case Story Facility Management 2023年11月28日
Reduce Warm Water Temperature to Save Energy? Yes, but Beware of Microbiology. Energy saving is no doubt the hottest topic of this winter. What can domestic households and commercial buildings do to contribute to energy saving? Reducing the temperature of the hot water supply se... Blog Facility Management Legionella 2022年10月26日
How to Control Legionella in Your Building? Modern facilities have brought us comfort and convenience that would have been unimaginable 100 years ago. However, sophisticated and urbanized facilities also brought new threats to our health and to... Blog Facility Management Legionella 2022年7月27日
Drinking water hygiene concept to reduce health risks Are you concerned about water hygiene? Sign up for the free webinar and find out how to develop a water hygiene concept based on quantitative results. Real cases are shown to address the importance of... Facility Management Legionella News 2022年2月22日